.:Fun Games:.
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.:Fun Games:.

Meerca Chase: you zoom around the screen eating neggs, and the more neggs you get, the more points you get, and the longer ur tail gets!!! But be sure not to eat your tail, or run into the wall!!! If this happens, the game will be over!!!

GadGadsGame: This fun game is located on Mystery Island!!! Try to group up the falling fruit into groups of the same type!!! when a flaming fruit comes down, match it up with the group of fruit that it matches, and the whole group will disappear! but be careful, if the fruit builds up too high, the game will be over!!!

Bubble Yum: Shoot the fruit or gumball at the same time of fruit or gumball, and once you've matched up three of the same, they pop! But be careful,once the fruit gets down too low, the game will be over!!!

Pick Your Own: Pay 200 neopoints, and you get to explore Meri Acres for up to 6 berries!!! If you aren't satisfied with a berry, you can get rid of it and pick a new one, but be careful! once you've clicked on the bushes twenty times, the game is over!!!