Secret Places
~*Secret Places*~
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Secret Places

There are many places not mentioned in Neopia, secret places. Few people know how to get to these places. Many of them are yet to be discovered. Here are the ones we know about.

The Hidden Tower: This is a shop found in Faerieland. It is extremely expensive, so I doubt many of you will find anything useful here. However, it is really cool to look around.

Jelly World: A world made completely of jelly. It has a Jelly Food Shop, and the Giant Jelly, where you can get a free piece of jelly every day! The only way to get here is through the link, as far as we know. ~Special thanx to gemmajaffacakes for providing this secret place!!!

The Draik Nest: Ever wonder how to get a draik? There are several ways. You can constantly go to the "Create a Pet" page, hoping that the draiks will restock; you can get a draik morphing potion; or you can buy a draik egg. The draik eggs are extremely rare. They are sold at the food shop in Meridell, yet the chances of finding one there are doubtful. You can always buy a draik egg from another person, using the Auction Genie, the Trading Post, or the Shop Wizard. Once you've got your draik egg, you go to the draik nest, and hatch it.