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Yup! That's right peeps, the Review Page has finally begun!!! Be sure to participate in the Review Page Contest to make this page better!!!!!

200m Peanut DashRating: 6
Reason: Becuz it is kinda slow and its
a lil difficult and if it moves too slow adn u cnat
get the bone you wont earn alot of neopoints!
Armada Rating: 3
Reason: I found it very hard and confusing!
Bubble Yum Rating: 7
Reason: This game is ok, but it can be kind of frustrating if you just can't get the right combination.
Bumper Cars Rating: 5
Reason: This game has terrible graphics and you don't get a lot of NP, but it is kind of fun squishing other cars.
Carnival of Terror Rating: 6
Reason: This game takes a while and you're not going to get rich off of it.
Cell Block Rating: 8
Reason: because it does take some skill to outwit the computer, and doesn't give out a whole lot of neopoints all at once, but it does give a nice shiny medal. :)
Cheat Rating: 10
Reason: Easy to play, easy to win, easy trophy, and easy battle cards. Need I say more?
Code Breakers Rating: 4
Reason: This game is really hard but can be very addictive if you have a yearning to prove yourself.

Rating: 6
Reason: I gave this game a 6 becuz..Its fun to play but you really dont get alot of nps...You try to move around these things and get them in the correct order, But you do get alot of chances...
Deckball Rating: 3
Reason: This game is really hard! and again it moves a bit slow......And its just hard!!! heehee
Deckswabber Rating: 4
Reason: I found this game to be hard and I couldn't make a lot of NP.
Destruct-O-Match Rating: 7
Reason: If you get pretty good, you can earn quite a few points. But some games you just can't win no matter how good you are.
Dice-A-Roo Rating: 4
Reason: It really IS all luck. You can't really get good at this game.
Evil Fuzzles From Beyond the Stars Reason: 6
Rating: It's a little hard but once you get the hang of it, it can be pretty fun.
Extreme Herder Rating: 9
Reason: I rated Extreme Herder 9 because it earns you a lot of neopoints in a short amount of time. But the game can cause a heart attack from anxiety.
Feed Florg Rating: 8
Reason: I gave feed florg a 8 becuz its really easy and u can put the hand in one spot and walk away and still earn a bit of nps! (ive done it before) And it is easy and u get a bit of nps
Fruit Machine Rating: 5
Reason: You usually don't win much but, hey, it's free!
Rating: 10
Reason: They consider this a game....I dont see why...But its liek tombola and stuff you go in a tent for free and you mite win stuff! how easy is that!!?
Gormball Rating: 6
Reason: There isn't much skill involved and you have to pay to play, but it is pretty cute.
Ice Cream Factory Rating: 2
Reason: This game is sooo boring. It's dumb. There's no point. The points you earn isn't worth the trouble.
Igloo Garage Sale: The Game Rating: 9
Reason: Relatively easy and with practice you can earn a lot of neopoints.
JubJub Blackjack Rating: 7
Reason: It's fairly easy if you know what you're doing. This is a classic game.
Kiko Match II Rating: 4
Reason: This game is so cute. It just makes you want to love and hug the Kiko!!
Kiss the Mortog Rating: 4
Reason: You have to know how far to go in this game, because you may end up losing a significant amount of points.
Math's Nightmare Rating: 5
Reason: Maybe it's just me, but I love this game. Don't play it if you think math should be in a locked cage at school, though.
Meerca Chase Rating: 5
Reason: The easy level IS easy, but you won't get a lot of points. The hard level IS hard, so you have to be pretty good to get a lot of points.
Mummy Maze Rating: 4
Reason: This game is kind of hard but also kind of entertaining.
Mutant Graveyard of DOOM Rating: 7
Reason: it was really easy...All u had to do was walk around a graveyard and collect stuff....But it gets REALLY boring! :-)
My Scene Trivia Rating: 2
Reason: This game is pretty dumb, but it does kind of make you want to visit Barbie.com, though, doesn't it?
Mystery Pic Rating: 4
Reason: This is rather hard! and everyoen is trying to win the prize...So ur up against alot of ppl!
NeggSweeper Rating: 5
Reason: This puts a twist on the old Minesweeper game. It takes a lot of practice to get good.
Neoquest Rating: 8-10
Reason: Depends on what your fav game is. If you like long drawn out games that earn you a tons of neopoints this is it, but it takes forever to win.
NeoWardrobe Rating: 7
Reason: i gave this a 7 becuz it is a fun agme...But there really is no point..You dont receive nps...It just a way to waste ur time! and its a fun way too!:)
Pick Your Own Rating: 4
Reason: Sometimes you don't get very many good berries, and you have to pay to play. It can also take a while to load if your computer isn't super fast.

Rating: 9
Reason: this game requires no talent!!! all you do is walk around adn try to pick berrys and NOT recieve dung! Its soo easy!
Plushie Tycoon Rating: 5
Reason: I gave this game a 5 becuz Its fun...and you get to make a plushie shop type thing...but it takes a while! so u mite wanna play it if u have ALOT of time!
Poogle Racing Rating: 10
Reason: No talent needed! all you do is bet on a poogle (its kinda like a horse race) and cheer for the poogle and hopes it wins! soo easy! and if it does win...U get nps!!
Poogle Solitaire Rating: 8
Reason: If you can find some cheats, you can make an easy 750 points. It does take a few minutes, though.
Potato Counter Rating: 8
Reason: It's not exactly fun but it is VERY easy. Can we say free 150 points??!!
Rink Runner Rating: 9
I gave this agme a 9 becuz its really fun and easy..All u do is slide on ice and try to get the music notes....But if you get too amny flats/sharps you wont win....
Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams Rating: 5
Reason: This game got a 5 becuz it is boring all you do is swim, run. and ect... You just have to avoid objects....And i dont find that really challenging :)
Techo Says Rating: 9
Reason: I gave this a nine becuz its really really easy! its a memory game just remember what ones he says to hit and you got urself nps!
Tug-O-War Rating: 6
Reason: If you know what you're doing and have a strategy, you can actually get pretty good at this game.
Usuki Frenzy Rating: 1
Reason: You won't make a lot of points and it's just overall stupid and frustrating.
Whack-A-Staff-Member Rating: 4
Reason: If you play this game, it will probably be just because you like hearing what the staff says when you hit them. It's NOT a NP earner.
Wheel of Excitement Rating: 7
Reason: You will usually make more points than you spend, but sometimes it will hurt your pets or something.
Zurroball Rating: 8
Reason: I gave this game a 8 becuz its really fun and easy!!!