Brand New Review Contest!!!
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Review Page Contest

IMPORTANT!!! Sorry peeps, but I'm going to have to temporarily shut down the contest!!! I dont have enough neopoints right now to keep it running! It should be up and running again by March 10th!!! Sorry bout this!!!

Alright peeps!!! This is my brand new contest!!! I was really disappointed when no one sent in any reviews for the new Review Page *with the exception of Swimma2007, thanx a bunch Swimma!*. Therefore, I've created this contest to get you guys interested. It's a really easy contest, all you have to do is send me reviews!!!

Here are the rules:
*The reviews must be sent to me, sweet_turner519.
*You cannot send in the same reviews twice.
*The reviews should look like this:

Ultimate Bullseye
Rating: 7
Explanation: I gave this game a 7 because it is hard to master, but it is still fun.

5 reviews= mystery prize
10 reviews= a set of snowballs
25 reviews= 3 codestones
35 reviews= 3 faeries
50 reviews= purple petpet paint brush
100 reviews= a glass paint brush

*Okay, I know these prizes seem kind of cheep; however, you must remember that once you've reached 100 reviews, you have:
the mystery prize
the snowballs
the three codestones
the three faeries
the purple petpet paint brush
PLUS the glass paint brush

Therefore, you guys will really be getting a lot for just your opinion. So please participate peeps!!!

High Scores Table
5432rachel 26 Reviews
swimma2007 16 Reviews
firesdew 05 Reviews